Conference Talks

FMX Conference, "Creating Space and Identity through Rich Media Content for Interactive Design", Stuttgart, Germany May 2008

Research Papers

The Impossible Vase: An Exploration in Perception. Cornell University. 2002

Iconography of the Dream of the Red Chamber. Cornell University. 1999.

Graphic Publications

Siggraph 1999 Course Proceedings. “This is Also Not a Pipe.” CG reinterpretation of Magritte’s La Trahison des Images used in introductory course and proceedings by Jim Ferwerda on Human Percpetion Metrics applied in Computer Graphics.


The Impossible Vase (2002):
A digital projection installation combining elements of perception and computer graphics to create a unique visual experience through light projection. The projected images are cast upon solid objects rather than a traditional flat canvas. This installation will explore perceptual issues by deconstructing visual cues and analyzing the way our minds process visual information into a coherent story. The projected imagery, along with the movement of the three dimensional canvas, will create physical impossibilities to demonstrate when and where our perceptual process collapses. During these isolated moments, we can then analyze the paramount elements contributing to our minds’ interpretation of a cohesive image and draw a correlation that may be applied to computer graphics. This piece was shown in the Olive Tjaden Gallery.

Ghosts (1999):
An interactive video installation with the goal of provoking imagery and feelings amongst its viewers through sound cues. This piece hopes to explore the role of the spectator and how his or her personal experiences govern the perception of certain events. Together with sound, the visual projections should create an ambiguous yet controlled storyline, allowing the viewers freedom to draw their own interpretations based on his or her identification with either the sound clips or visual cues. This exhibition was shown at the Olive Tjaden Gallery.

Images of Summer (1997): A joint photography exhibition created in conjunction with six other students in the Willard Straight Gallery.


Entelechy 2004-14, Curator of the student show for Interactive Design and Game Development. This annual show involves coordinating events between Atlanta and Savannah campus to feature more than 50 of the best chosen works as a gallery exhibition. Locations for this show include the Pei Ling Chan Gallery, La Galerie Bleue, Habersham Courtyard, and River Club in Savannah, GA. This show at times coincided with the GDX Conference and has been covered by several of the Savannah television stations. The show's works include game art, sculpture, digital installation, interactive publications and other types of digital art works.